Who is Delight
made for?

For you, of course! Just to make sure, we've created this page where we share our experience: what types of professions use Delight, what industries, what size of company... And we hope to provide answers to all the questions you may have.

sports federations
music venues
ticketing companies
performing venues
festive places
artist managers
sports clubs
amusement parks
public structures
sports federations
music labels
music labels
public sector
audio and video content producers
heritage sites
museums and galleries
private sector
associative sector

An all-in-one solution for...

From experience, Delight is mainly designed for these professions, but is constantly evolving!

  • Marketing
  • Communications
  • Ticketing
  • Management

Today, Delight works with all these sectors, but the list will continue to grow in the coming years!

  • music venues and theatres
  • stadiums
  • festivals
  • producers
  • sport clubs & federations
  • amusement parks
  • clubs and party venues
  • organisers of recurrent events
  • ticketing companies
  • music labels
  • artist managers
  • audio and video content producers
  • museums and art galleries
  • heritage sites
  • public structures
  • media

We know it and to tell you the truth, we don't like it: you sometimes think that Delight is not made for you because your company is too small or too big. But it actually is! We love working for the Accor Arena or the Vieilles Charrues festival, but it's also an honour to support very small companies or associations. The truth is Delight is made for everyone and we will always find a way to work together.

Historically, Delight's clients have come from the private sector, although over the years, public institutions have joined us. Today, Delight is clearly made for everyone, private as well as public or associative structures!

What they like about Delight

And finally, who is Delight
not made for?

You get the picture: for not many people. But if you don't have any personal data on your audiences, it will be difficult to work together at first. That's why we launched Ambition to help you collect data, which is a prerequisite for everything. Shall we talk about it?